Model animation is a form of stop motion animation designed to merge with live action footage to create the illusion of a real-world fantasy sequence. Model animation was pioneered by Willis O'Brien it was first used in THE LOST WORLD in 1925. He has done work such as King Kong and The Black Scorpion.
Pixilation is a form of stop motion animation, in which you animate live actors instead of clay figures. All you have to do is move the actors or the objects little by little in front of a camera, shooting one frame at a time, then play the images in sequence on film or computer screen. You take pictures instead of drawing them. This animation technique goes all the way back to the beginning of animation history. Pioneer animator NORMAN MCLAREN made a short film "neighbours" while working for the national film board of Canada - probably the finest greenhouse for experimental animations ever.
Classical animation also known as cel animation or hand - drawn animation is the traditional form of animation which usually consists of 24 frames per second, each frame is usually drawn by hand or an animator can draw main frames and another person can draw the "in-betweens", it usually looks flat not 3D. For example these are cel animation films many disney films such as "sleeping beauty" 1959 and "beauty and the beast" 1991 and other non disney films such as "an american tail" 1988 and Hanna-Barbera cartoons - Scooby doo, the Flinstones and Tom and Jerry.
Time lapse animation is where a process which would appear subtle to the human eye is captured over a period of time and played faster per frames/s to achieve a sudden motion of activity. Some common subjects of time lapse animation include:
Rotting fruit
The movements of clouds
Plants growing
People moving around the city.
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